The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is a Federal statute that requires federal agencies to considering the potential human and natural environmental impacts of a proposed action and factoring them into the decision-making process. The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) Regulations for implementing NEPA set the standards for NEPA compliance and direct federal agencies to develop their own procedures. There are several levels of NEPA review such as a Categorical Exclusion (CatEx), an Environmental Assessment (EA), or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The FAA has decided that an EA is the appropriate level of NEPA based on the potential impacts from the BDR Runway 11-29 Safety Area Improvements. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Order 1050.1F provides the FAA's agency-wide policies and procedures for ensuring compliance with NEPA and the CEQ Regulations.
- FAA Order 1050.1F - Environmental Impacts: Policies and Procedures
- FAA Order 1050.1F - Desk Reference